DOC Trap Guidance
Predator Traps Instructions UK (published 10/2/21)
Quill Trap Guidance
Quill Trap Guidance (published 2023)
Tully Trap Guidance
Tully Trap Grey Squirrel Baffle Instructions (published 10/2/21)
Trap Guides
SASA Guide to Approved Spring Traps
Spring Trap Approvals
Note on Edible Dormouse and trap approvals from January 2024 onwards
Spring Traps Approval (Scotland) Amendment Order 2023
Spring Traps Approval (Scotland) Amendment Order 2020
Spring Traps Approval (Scotland) Amendment Order 2018
Spring Traps Approval (Scotland) Order 2011
Wildlife Management Research on Goodnature traps
Hedgehog interactions with the Goodnature trap