Aphid Monitoring

 In order to ensure that you have access to the most up to date information please sign up to receive regular aphid bulletin E-mails (if you have not already done so) by contacting Fiona Highet (via ‘Contact Us).

The role of aphids as vectors of potato viruses is of concern to the Scottish seed potato industry. SASA operates a national network of suction traps collecting information about aphid abundance and movement, and providing advice on the risk of virus transmission and the need for aphid control.

The suction trap data contribute to a UK network of traps operated by Rothamsted Research. Weekly aphid bulletins are published by the Rothamsted Insect Survey.

SASA recommend that growers consult with the guidelines covered in The six steps to effective virus managment in certified or home saved seed issued by the Scottish Aphid-Virus Working Group. 

Albert Bartlett are sponsoring the Scottish in-crop aphid monitoring network for 2024. The trap contents will be analysed weekly at FERA in York, with results posted weekly on SASA's Aphid Monitoring Network page

The SASA aphid Monitoring pages are updated regularly over the growing season (usually every Friday). Interested parties can contact Fiona Highet (via 'contact us') to receive a weekly bulletin E-mail covering the main Scottish aphid headlines for the week and links to pages for more information. SASA's twitter account also reports aphid news over the growing season, again with links to relevant pages.