Ware Potatoes

In order to protect the overall health of all potatoes grown in Scotland ware potato production must meet minimum quality standard monitored and verified by the Scottish Government.

Scotland is a “Community Grade Region” for seed potatoes.  This status requires that all potatoes planted in Scotland must be Pre-basic or Basic category seed (Union grade PB, S, SE or E).

Seed bought in from the EU member states must carry a Union grade on the label.

Ware growers are permitted to plant farm saved seed from classified seed but this seed may only be grown for one generation ie to produce the final ware crop.

The community grade region status also requires that all crops grown should meet the Basic seed progeny tolerance for virus of 4%.  Any potato crops grown in Scotland (seed or ware) with virus levels above 4% may be subject to compulsory destruction, however the vast majority of crops contain little or no virus.

Ware growers must notify the Scottish Government of all potato crops planted in Scotland.  SASA issues the notification forms (PP1) and collates and retains the returns.  This information is required to allow swift and co-ordinated action in the event of a plant health outbreak and to underpin the other potato plant health measures in Scotland.

For further information see the Ware Potatoes documents page.

image of Hermes