Potato Branch address: Potato Branch, SASA, Roddinglaw Road, Edinburgh, EH12 9FJ
Head of Potato Branch
Dr T (Triona) Davey
Tel: +44(0)131 244 6344
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
Mr J (John) Ellicott Mr R (Ryan) Chapman
Tel: +44(0)131 244 8963 Tel: +44(0)131 244 5008
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
Nuclear Stock
Nuclear Stock Manager: Miss S (Sandra) Goodfellow
Tel: +44(0)131 244 8852
Email: potatonuclearstock@sasa.gov.scot
Potato Pathology
Tel: +44(0)131 244 8931
Email: potpath@sasa.gov.scot
Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS)
Address: Seed Potato Classification Scheme Section, SASA, Roddinglaw Road, Edinburgh, EH12 9FJ
Fax: +44(0)131 244 8920 | Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
Seed Potato Classification Scheme & Export Manager: Mr J (John) Ellicott
Tel: +44(0)131 244 8963
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
Deputy Seed Potato Classification Scheme & Export Manager: Mr R (Ryan) Chapman
Tel: +44(0)131 244 5008
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
Growing Crop Certification Manager
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
For all enquiries regarding Growing Crop Inspections, PCN and Marketing please contact the Scheme Officers below
Scheme Officer: Mrs W (Wilma) Sloan
Tel: +44(0)131 244 6349
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
Scheme Officer: Mr S (Stephen) Fotheringham
Tel: +44(0)131 244 6348
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot
Scheme Administrator: Mr R (Ruairidh) Millar
Tel: +44(0)131 244 6350
Email: spcsapps@sasa.gov.scot