Scotland is a major producer of quality seed potatoes. Seed potatoes produced and marketed in Scotland must be classified under the Seed Potato Classification Scheme (SPCS). SASA is the Certifying Authority for seed potatoes in Scotland and this section gives information on seed potato classification (certification).
Before seed potatoes can be marketed they must meet the requirements of The Seed Potatoes (Scotland) Regulations 2015. These Regulations, which came into force on 1 January 2016, implemented the provisions of Commission Implementing Directive 2013/63/EU, Commission Implementing Directive 2014/20/EU, Commission Implementing Directive 21/2015/EU and Commission Implementing Decision 2014/105/EU. The EU legislation made changes to Annexes I and II of Council Directive 2002/56/EC with the aim of harmonising seed potato certification and marketing across the EU.
Further detailed information on seed potato classification in Scotland and the requirements to be met by Scheme applicants can be found under the appropriate heading on the menu opposite. Conditions applied to exports of Scottish seed potatoes to non-EU countries can be found on the Potato Export Conditions page.
Each year a Register of Seed Potatoes is published in October and this gives detailed information on seed crops for which Inspection Report Forms have been issued by SASA.
For further information and forms, please see the links below:
- SPCS Growing Crop Inspections documents
- SPCS Marketing documents
- SPCS Statistics
- PCN Soil Testing documents
Information gathered and held by SASA is covered by current disclosure legislation; please see the SPCS Disclosure Statement page for more details.
To contact SPCS, see the Contacts - Potato Branch page.