GM Diagnostics

Staff in SASA’s GM team provide analytical testing support for the GM Inspectorate by detecting genetically modified material using multi-element PCR screening and event-specific quantitative PCR tests. 

Competence in GMO testing is maintained by regular participation in ISTA and other GMO Proficiency Tests.

SASA offers a screening test to detect nearly all known genetic modifications in oilseed rape and maize using a set of 5 element/junction specific assays. This test is accredited to ISO17025. We can also offer other testing services, such as screening for GM potato or soya, or quantification of specific GMOs. 

Please either contact the GM inspectorate mailbox or phone the number given below to discuss your requirements. 

For enquiries concerning GM testing telephone Laura Bowden on 0131 244 8891 or email the GM inspectorate mailbox.

Find out more about the GM Inspectorate at SASA.