Customer feedback procedures

SASA is committed to providing a high-quality service to all our customers.  However, there may be occasions when problems arise and you do not receive the service you expect.

If you are unhappy with the service received, we need to know so that the problem can be resolved in the most appropriate manner and as quickly as possible.

Hopefully, the issue can be resolved quickly and easily by contacting the person you were dealing with either in person, or by telephone, email or letter.

Submit your comments online or by post

If you are not sure who is responsible, or would like to make a general comment about a SASA service you can either complete the online customer feedback form, or alternatively download a copy of the form and return it to the SASA Quality Manager at the address below.

Quality Manager
Roddinglaw Road
EH12 9FJ

T: +44(0)131 244 8855